We're off and running.
Folks have chosen study topics, started journals, assembled materials, software and equipment to help the projects along. We dove into some tips to get started and took on Diigo and Twitter to help expand research and open up resources ala aggregation. Our camera stock is on the move for digital editing projects and recording interviews. Discussions on the news are also underway with more to come in the next few weeks. Discussions on project management are being woven in every day as well. Chinese, German, Japanese and English students and the Google Translator are in full swing. Not bad tinkering for about 20 days.
Here's a list of the projects underway in the Lab thus far this semester:
Facebook Security
iPhone Technology and App Development
Video Effects and Editing
4 Digital Photography and editing projects
Military Technology
Social Networks and Communication
C++ Programming
Tattoo Technology
Event Management and Scheduling
Adaptive Camouflage
Space Tourism / Transportation
Sustainable Energy
Logo Design / Illustrator and Photoshop
Autonomous Vehicles / Urban Planning
Small Business Technology / Management
Online Education
Modern Journalism
Music Composition
Bike Design / Engineering
Swimming Technology
Psychology Technology
Some projects will wrap up quickly while some others will weave on through the semester or even all year, continuously expanding. Multiple project threads in the same room, multiple languages, class projects, discussions and collaboration. I'm always curious to see where people go. For so many, it's the first chance to explore their own interests.
On the horizon we'll take a few breaks from projects and take a look see at some philosophies of education, how technology has pushed changes in 'school' and learning and folks will analyze their thoughts on 'education' and 'entertainment.'
Just getting started. Engage.